‘Manor House Quarterly’ breaks free from the pages

When you think of college house parties, images of artistically expressive, salon-like gatherings probably don’t come to mind. But, for 23-year-old Dane Cardiel and the artists with whom he resided while attending Point Loma Nazarene University, these “Family Dinners,” which included film screenings and plays staged at their home—dubbed The Manor—were regular, creative affairs.

Cardiel has since drafted two of his former classmates, Amy Smith and Daniel Heffernan, to interpret the free spirit of The Manor’s creative gatherings in print form. To do so, Manor House Quarterly takes a theme and then pairs visual artists’ work—some curated, some commissioned—and places it alongside poems, short stories and in-depth interviews with contributing artists.

The spring edition, the third issue for the literary-and-visual-arts hybrid, is out now and is titled “Space.” You can see Cardiel’s imagination run wild across the visually lush publication, available at FeeLit in East Village and Adams Avenue Book Store. Or, you can view its live interpretation, Exhibiting Space, at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, June 2, at 3rdSpace (4610 Park Blvd. in University Heights).
“3rdSpace is really about fostering a community of creativity and culture, in a physical space, where human beings make human connections,” says 3rd Space owner Peter McConnell. “Interestingly enough, Cardiel’s debut event at the space is on just that theme. Space.”
The free event will feature the work of four local artists, plus cover art by Cardiel’s former roommate at The Manor, Wes Bruce. Enlarged photographs by Rachel Bellinksy, plus illustrations by Kristina Micotti and Matthew Mahaoney will also be on display.
“The show will demonstrate how we have taken isolated art works and joined them together within the publication,” Cardiel says.
Mikey Eastman, whose interactive magnet sculpture is currently displayed at the New Children’s Museum exhibit Trash, will also be on hand, showcasing his art and inviting attendees to create “magnetic reactions.” To complete the live version of a print publication, writers will read their works throughout the night.

